**The Nettle Magic Project**
# What's All This, Then?
The Nettle Magic Project is a collection of technologies intended to enable magicians (the performing kind, not the occult) to have intimate knowledge of a deck of cards during their performance: the ordered list of every card in the deck, which card(s) are missing and even which cards are face-up in the deck.
A deck of cards is read by scanning card-identifying codes printed on the edges of each card. Decks can be marked with different inks, including some that are virtually invisible to the human eye (UV reactive and IR absorbing inks.)

A marked deck is not needed to experiment with the software. Test videos are included and in a pinch you can print your own marks on a sheet of paper for testing purposes. However, if you plan to work with a physical deck of cards you'll need an edge-marked deck. This document will describe two processes that can be used to apply edge marks to a deck of cards.
The core libraries, along with the production server (_Whisper_) are written to support macOS and Linux, with additional support for the Raspberry Pi platform.
The testbed applications (_Steve_ and _Abra_) were written specifically for macOS and iOS, respectively. There is currently no Windows support for desktop platforms or Android support for mobile platforms.
!!! Note: Author's Note
I hope you'll have fun with this and I especially hope you'll get engaged and involved. After all, I'm releasing this publicly to see ways that other creative minds can improve on this work.
# Getting Up And Running
The following sections will guide you through getting up and running in various hardware environments.
If you have access to a Mac, I highly recommend going through the Meet Steve: The Testbed section. The testbed software provides a number of debug/diagnostic visuals which will help you get a solid understanding of how the scanning software works.
## Meet Steve: The Testbed

Most of the development was done using the testbed application, named Steve. I needed a name and _Steve_ was as good a name as any. Just ask anybody named Steve.
The testbed allows for easy iteration with a multitude of debugger visualizations accessible from a keypress or menu option. If you have access to a Mac, you are encouraged to explore the application with one of the supplied sample videos.
Note: Steve will automatically discover the sample videos, but it also supports a drag/drop interface for your own videos or images.
!!! Note: Preparing to run Steve
Steve requires two configuration files. Without these files, Steve won't work very well.
The first is the server/scanner configuration file, `whisper.conf`. This configuration file is loaded in cascading fashion, starting with `/etc/whisper.conf`. Next, the file `/usr/local/etc/whisper.conf` is loaded and any configuration settings in this file will override those from the previous. Finally, the file `~/.whisper.conf` is loaded, allowing user-specific configuration overrides.
The second configuration file is the _Deck Definitions_ (`decks.json`). See the Deck Definitions section for details. This file is loaded in a similar cascading fashion, starting with `/etc/decks.json`. Next, the file `/usr/local/etc/decks.json` is loaded and any deck definitions in this file will override those from the previous. Finally, the file `~/.decks.json` is loaded, allowing user-specific configuration overrides.
## Meet Whisper: The Server
_Whisper_ is the primary scanning server. In most production performances _Whisper_ would be deployed to a device, likely hidden on the performer or in/on a prop. The scanning results would be received from a client of some kind and incorporated into a performance.
_Whisper_ is more than just a stand-alone server. It includes a text-based visual interface that can also act as a console-based testbed for development work.

For supported platforms, to build whisper, simply run the 'build' script like so:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bash
$ ./build release whisper
!!! Note: Preparing to run Whisper
Whisper requires two configuration files. Without these files, Whisper won't work very well.
The first is the server/scanner configuration file, `whisper.conf`. This configuration file is loaded in cascading fashion, starting with `/etc/whisper.conf`. Next, the file `/usr/local/etc/whisper.conf` is loaded and any configuration settings in this file will override those from the previous. Finally, the file `~/.whisper.conf` is loaded, allowing user-specific configuration overrides.
The second configuration file is the _Deck Definitions_ (`decks.json`). See the Deck Definitions section for details. This file is loaded in a similar cascading fashion, starting with `/etc/decks.json`. Next, the file `/usr/local/etc/decks.json` is loaded and any deck definitions in this file will override those from the previous. Finally, the file `~/.decks.json` is loaded, allowing user-specific configuration overrides.
If your build was successful and the configuration files are setup, you should be able to launch `whisper`. Uou'll find the binary in the following location:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ base
As a test, you can run Whisper against one of the sample videos packaged with Steve:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bash
.out/release/whisper -6 Sources/Steve/Steve/Reference/inter6.quick-random-movements.mp4
### A note about the included sample videos
Many of the samples provided used an old code format called `inter6`. Decks marked with this format are recognizable as having a wide separation line down the center of the deck separating two blocks of 6-bit codes. When running simulations with videos containing decks marked with these codes, ensure that the `inter6` format is enabled in the `decks.json` file.
Also, when running `whisper` be sure that you pass `-6` on the command line to select that format for scanning.
## Running on an iPhone/iPad

_Abra_ is an application that can be used to view the results of a remote scanning server. Clients/servers use a form of auto discovery to locate and communicate. Currently only one serer on a network is supported.
Abra is also capable of running a local server, enabling a device to become its own scanner. Note that this requires either visible ink marks or IR marks.
## Running on a Raspberry PI
During development I used cross-compilation from my Intel-based Mac to compile for Raspberry Pi. If you interrogate the `build` script, you'll see some hard-coded paths for specific toolchains I had setup. While this worked well for me, it was probably not the right way to do things.
Rather than document the arcane way that I did things, perhaps other developers can tackle a better build process that includes building for (and on) a Raspberry PI.
As a starting point, the code should build on a Raspberry PI, provided you have the appropriate Swift build tools installed on the device.
# How It Works
The diagram below provides a high-level view of the various stages of the scanning process, starting from an input frame of video and ending with a scanning result (that is, an ordered list of cards in the deck.)
It's important to understand the two overarching objectives that drove virtually all decisions during development.
* **Correct Results**: This may seem obvious, but let's put a finer point on it: Due to the nature of this software being intended for live performances, an incorrect result can put the performer in an awkward position. Though it's possible, it should be _very unlikely_ for scanning results to be incorrect. If there is a scanning difficulty, the result should be delayed until a confident result can be returned.
* **High Performance Through Efficiency**: As you will learn in the following sections, a result is not returned from the scan of single frame of video. Rather, several frames of video are scanned and their results are analyzed and in many cases, combined. If the software is not fast enough to keep up with the video stream there is risk of losing important data that can contribute to a confident result. In addition, _Performance Through Efficiency_ results in less heat (important when the hardware may be hidden on the performer's person) and longer performance times with smaller batteries.
* .------------------------.
* | Input Video Frame (Luma) |
* '-----------+------------'
* | .------------------------.
* |<-------------+ Configuration Parameters |
* .------------------------. | '------------------------'
* | Deck Definition +------------>|
* '------------------------' |
* v
* .--DECK SEARCH-------------------------------------------------------------------.
* | |
* | .-----------------[temporal feedback]-------------------. |
* | | | |
* | v | |
* | .--------. .---+----. |
* | | Temporal | .--------------. .------------. | Temporal | |
* | | Grid +--->| Landmark Trace +--->| Deck Extents +--->+ State +---. |
* | | Search | '--------------' '------------' | Update | | |
* | '--------' '--------' | |
* | .----------------------------------------------------------------------------' |
* | | .--------------------. .-----------------. |
* | '-->| Deck Size Validation +--->| Gather Mark Lines | |
* | '--------------------' '--------+--------' |
* | | |
* '-------------------------------------------|------------------------------------'
* |
* .-------- Mark Lines ---------'
* |
* .--DECODE---|--------------------------------------------------------------------.
* | v |
* | .-----------------. .------------------. .----------------. |
* | | Readability Check +----->| Generate Bit Words +-->| Error Correction | |
* | '-----------------' '-------------+----' '--------+-------' |
* | ^ | | |
* | | | | |
* | '---|------------------' |
* '-------------------------------------------|------------------------------------'
* |
* .------- Card Codes -------'
* |
* .--RESOLVE-----|-----------------------------------------------------------------.
* | v |
* | .-------------. .------------. .--------------------. |
* | | Genocide Rule +--->| Revenge Rule +--->| History Cache Insert | |
* | '-------------' '------------' '---------+----------' |
* | | |
* '------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------'
* |
* .----------- History Cache ----------'
* |
* .--ANALYZE------------|----------------------------------------------------------.
* | v |
* | .-------------------. .-----------------------------. |
* | | History Cache Merge +--->| Confidence Factor Calculation | |
* | '-------------------' '--------------+--------------' |
* | | |
* '-----------------------------------------------------|--------------------------'
* .------------'
* |
* v
* .----------------------.
* | Report Result |
* '----------------------'
The sections that follow will cover each stage in more detail.
## Input Configuration
There are two forms of configuration information that used throughout the scanning process.
The first form, the _Configuration Parameters_, are read from the **whisper.conf** file and provides global configuration for all aspects of the scanning process. From input values to various heuristics to debug visualization flags.
The second form, the _Deck Definition_, provides the specification for the printed code. A Deck Definition specifies the codes printed on each card as well as the physical properties of the code. These physical properties include the physical size of the code on a printed deck and the location and spacing of the marks printed on each card. In addition, the Deck Definition provides other key information needed for decoding a marked deck. See the Deck Definitions section for more detailed information.
## Deck Search
The deck search starts with a single frame of video as an 8-bit Luma (Grayscale) image. A grid of crisscrossing lines -- the _Search Grid_ -- are used to locate a line through the image that passes through the full width of the code printed on the deck. The landmarks in the printed code provide a distinctive pattern used for recognizing the deck.
* Bit Columns
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* v v v v v v v v v v v v v
* ░░░██░░███░░░░█░░░░░█░░░█░░░░░░░█░░░░░█░░░░███░█░░░
* ░░░██░░███░░░░░░█░█░░░█░░░█░█░█░░░░░█░░░░░░███░█░░░
* ░░░██░░███░░░░█░░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░█░█░░░█░░░░███░█░░░
* ░░░██░░███░░░░░░░░█░█░█░░░█░█░░░░░░░█░░░░░░███░█░░░
* ░░░██░░███░░░░█░█░░░░░░░█░░░░░█░█░█░░░░░░░░███░█░░░
* ░░░██░░███░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░█░█░░░░░░░█░░░░░░███░█░░░
* | | | |
* '--+-------------- Landmarks ----------+-'
[The components of the marks on a deck. Landmarks are used to aid in locating the deck within the image. Bit Columns represent the identifying information printed on each card.]
The deck's landmarks are then traced to find the top and bottom extents of the deck in the image. This full understanding of the deck's location in the frame provides the information needed to locate the columns of bits that contain the card-identifying data. These columns are scanned and the bits collected into _Mark Lines_ which can be decoded.
The following sections will cover each phase of this process in more detail.
### Temporal Grid Search

!!! Note: A Note About Visualizations In This Document
Images noted as _visualizations_ in this document are rendered in real time by the testbed software, _Steve_ using various debug rendering features to show actual runtime data, results, charts, etc.
Many of these debug visualizations are also available outside of the testbed software, though the ability to view them is currently somewhat limited.
The _Search Grid_ is an ordered set of crisscrossing lines that cover the searchable space in the image. Starting with the first line in the Search Grid, the line is checked to see if it passes through the length of the code (that is, it passes through all of the landmarks in the code.)
The process of scanning for the code from a given _Search Line_ can be thought of as an inverted line-drawing operation. Every pixel in along the line is visited, but rather than drawing the line (modifying the pixels in the image) the pixels along the line are collected into an array.
Landmark detection uses a custom edge detection algorithm that is run on the array of pixels from the Search Line. If the landmark pattern matches the definition for a given deck (see the Deck Definition section) the search is halted.

The purpose of the landmarks is to provide a distinctive pattern that can be recognized along the Search Line. If this pattern is found in the Search Line, the deck is considered found.

The relative distance between the outermost landmarks in the image can be calculated. This distance can be used to calculate a reasonable estimate of the deck's height in the image. If the height does not meet the minimum requirements for the number of pixels needed for reliable scanning, the temporal state information is updated (see the discussion below about low-fidelity updates to the Temporal State Information) and the search is aborted for this frame.
If the deck was not found, the process moves on to the next Search Line in the grid until the code has been located or the entire Search Grid has been exhausted.
!!! Note: Optimizing the Search Grid
The number of lines in the grid, their spacing, clustering, orientation and other parameters all provide input to a heuristic that determines the grid's configuration and search-order priority.
The end result is an ordered list of Search Lines that provide an efficient center-out search pattern with a high probability of finding the deck in as few searches as possible.
The Search Grid includes temporal state information consisting of an offset and orientation for the grid. This information is applied to the grid at the start of the search process. This is just a fancy way of saying that the grid is moved and rotated into position where the deck was last found. The expectation is that that between frames the deck generally won't have moved very far and is often found in the next frame with the first Search Line.

### Landmark Trace

The output of the landmark trace is a column of pixel locations through the center of each of the two innermost landmarks. As decks are rarely stacked perfectly, these columns are used to follow the contour of the stacked deck. These columns will be used later when gathering Mark Lines along the contour of the deck.
!!! Note: A Note About Landmark Tracing Performance
The Landmark Trace process is very CPU intensive. A standard computer vision approach might be to find the rectangular edges of the landmarks. Though this is an adequate solution, it is also very CPU intensive.
The approach used here is to start at the point where the Search Line encountered the landmark and work outward from that point until the top & bottom extents of the deck are found. This is done by collecting a line segment of pixels along the Search Line's axis that covers the landmark with a small amount of overlap. This process is visualized as blue line segments in the image above.
For each line segment, a rolling sum is calculated. This is similar to a rolling average but the division has been optimized out. While doing this, the smallest value - that is, the sum of the darkest pixels - is noted. This is expected to be the center of the Landmark. The process continues by stepping outward from the Search Line and repeats until the extents of the deck are reached.
### Deck Extents
The deck extents are calculated from the endpoints of the center columns of the traced landmarks. From these extents the deck's exact position within the frame is known.

### Temporal State Update
There are two types of temporal state updates: high- and low-fidelity.
A high-fidelity update uses the deck extents to calculate the center of the deck and its orientation within the image. These values are used to update the temporal state information to accurately center the Search Grid on the deck's location.
A low-fidelity update is used when the search is aborted early (the deck was determined to be too small.) The deck extents haven't been calculated yet, but the Search Line used to locate the deck provides a reasonable estimate for the deck's location in the image.
### Deck Size Validation
The deck extents provide the exact dimensions of the deck within the frame. These dimensions are use to precisely evaluate the size of the deck, in pixels, to ensure that it provides enough information for reliable scanning.
For example, if the deck's definition (see Deck Definitions section) specifies a minimum requirement of two pixels per per card with a 52-card deck, then the deck must be at least \(2 \times 52 = 104\) pixels tall within the image to meet the minimum requirements. Scanning is aborted if the deck does not meet this requirement.
### Gather Mark Lines

The data bits printed on each card (_Bit Marks_) are arranged in columns when the cards are stacked into a deck. Each column of bits has a defined position relative to the innermost landmarks (see the Temporal Grid Search section.) A Mark Line refers to pixels that follow a single column for a given bit. These columns are gathered in a way similar to Search Lines, with pixels along each Mark Line being collected into an array.
The landmark tracing process (see the Landmark Trace section) produces a contoured column of pixels for each of the innermost landmarks These contours provide guidance for the Mark Lines, allowing them to follow the contour of irregularly stacked decks.
!!! Note: A Note About The Mark Line Approach
Gathering bits along columns of Mark Lines allows for a more robust solution as this is easier than tracing the individual edges of stacked cards.
In addition, this process provides for a far more efficient solution, given that it only requires reading a small fraction of the pixels in the printed code on the deck.
## Decode
To understand the decoding process and how it decodes a set of Mark Lines into the internal representation of a deck of cards, it is important to first understand the input Mark Lines.
As described in the previous section, each Mark Line represent the pixels extracted from the image along a column of pixels for a given data bit. If a code has 12 bits of data there will be 12 Mark Lines. The first Mark Line would be an array of pixel values representing bit 0 for all cards in the deck, followed another Mark Line for bit 1 for all cards in the deck, and so on for all 12 bits.
* Mark Lines/Bit Columns
* .--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--.
* | | | | | | | | | | | |
* 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* | | | | | | | | | | | |
* v v v v v v v v v v v v
* 1 ░ █ ░ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
* 2 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █
* 3 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █
* 4 █ █ ░ ░ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░
* 5 █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░
[A visual representation of the Mark Lines for a 12-bit code, labeled across the top with the MSB on the left and the LSB on the right. Only the first 5 rows in each Mark Line are shown.]
Before the decoding process begins, the column of pixels in each Mark Line is first examined for readability by performing a sharpness test. If any Mark Line is determined to be too blurry for reliable decoding, the process is aborted.
Each Mark Line is then converted from an array of pixel values into an array of boolean values using a threshold.
Given that each Mark Line started as a column of pixels traversing the deck within the image, it's very unlikely that the Mark Lines will each contain the same number of values. To normalize their lengths, the Mark Lines and resampled so that they each contain the same number of values, equal to or greater than the length of the longest Mark Line.
The final step is to convert the arrays of bits into binary values (_Bit Words_) by combining the bits from each row in the Mark Line arrays into binary words. For a 12-bit code, each word would be a 12 bits. Error correction is applied to the resulting list of words in order to build raw set of card-identifying codes for the deck.
It is important to note that the decoding process will produce more raw values than there are cards in a deck. These values will later be resolved into a proper representation of a deck (see the Resolve section.)
The following sections will cover each phase of this process in more detail.
### Readability Check
Readability is determined by examining the column of pixel values from each Mark Line for sharpness. If any Mark Line is determined unreadable, the scanning process is aborted.

Ensuring readability is important as the scan results from a low quality image source could prove untrustworthy. More importantly, these scan results could pollute the historic data used later in the analysis phase (see the Analyze section.)
Readability is performed using a 4 x 1 convolution kernel on the array of pixels in each Mark Line:
IR imaging used with this software has proven to be an additional challenge given the low-light nature of narrow-band IR imaging. In those use cases, an IR bandpass filter and an IR LED were used that limited the incoming light to a 40nm wide window centered at 850nm in the electromagnetic spectrum. The use of sharpness verification proved quite useful in reducing unreliable results for those use cases.
Note that this works especially well due to the columnar nature of the way pixels are collected for the Mark Lines. As the pixels traverse through a column of the image from the top to the bottom of the deck, the pixel-to-pixel changes tend to be high-frequency as the collection moves from card to card and from Bit Mark to Bit Mark.
### Generate Bit Words
* Mark Lines/Bit Columns
* .--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--.
* | | | | | | | | | | | |
* 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Words
* | | | | | | | | | | | | .---------.
* v v v v v v v v v v v v | |
* 1 ░ █ ░ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ --> 010111111111
* 2 ░ █ ░ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ --> 010111111111
* 3 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 000000001011
* 4 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 000000001011
* 5 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 000000001011
* 6 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 000000001011
* 7 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 000000001011
* 8 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 000000001011
* 9 █ █ ░ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ █ ░ █ █ --> 110010001011
* 10 █ █ ░ ░ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░ --> 110011010010
* 11 █ █ ░ ░ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░ --> 110011010010
* 12 █ █ ░ ░ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░ --> 110011010010
* 13 █ █ ░ ░ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░ --> 110011010010
* 14 █ █ ░ ░ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░ --> 110011010010
* 15 █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ █ ░ --> 111111010010
* 16 █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ --> 111110100000
* 17 █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ --> 111110100000
* 18 █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ --> 111110100000
* 19 █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ --> 111110100000
* 20 █ █ █ █ █ ░ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ --> 111110100000
[A visual representation of the Mark Lines for a 12-bit code, labeled across the top with the MSB on the left and the LSB on the right. Only the first 20 bits in each Mark Line are shown. The binary values along the right can be thought of as a table rotation, in which the bits for a given row in each Mark Line are combined into a single binary word.]
In order to decode the Mark Lines into codes marked on the edges of each card, the Mark lines must first be binarized. Each Mark Line is converted from an array of pixel values into an array of boolean values called _Bit Columns_. This binarization process involves a threshold that is calculated from the min/max range of all pixel values in a given Mark Line and then applied to each pixel to determine its associated boolean value.
It is important to note at this point that it is very unlikely that the full set of Bit Columns will all be the same length. In practice, decks in the image are rarely perfectly perpendicular to the camera. Any amount of perspective or rotation (or likely both) will causes one side of the deck to be larger in frame than the other. The length of the Bit Columns will reflect this. To normalize their lengths, each Bit Column is resampled to a normal length. The normal length is calculated using a _Resample Factor_ multiplied by the number of cards in the deck's definition. With a common Resample Factor of 5 and a deck of 52 cards, each Bit Column would result in an array of 260 boolean values.
The final step is to convert the Bit Columns into binary values (_Bit Words_) by combining the bits from each row in the set of Bit Column arrays into binary words. For a 12-bit code, each Bit Word would be a 12 bits.
!!! Note: A Note About The Resample Factor
The Resample Factor plays an important role in the decoding process. Given the nature of the Bit Columns being different lengths, its likely that some cross-talk between rows of bits will take place when converting rows of Bit Columns into Bit Words. By _stretching out_ this data, Card Codes may show up in the data where they otherwise might not have.
### Error Correction
Error correction is applied to the resulting list of Bit Words in order to build raw set of card-identifying codes for the deck. Codes that are error corrected are noted as such. This information helps determine the confidence factor. In addition, cards that required error correction can be displayed in the companion app (Abra) which can be useful during the marking process to discover cards that are difficult to read.
It is important to note that the decoding process will produce more raw codes than there are cards in a deck. Note the previous example of the Bit Columns being normalized to 260 values. In that case, the this process will generate 260 Bit Words. These Bit Words represent our initial set of _Card Codes_ (that is, card-identifying codes printed on the edges of each card.) These Card Codes are resolved into a proper representation of a deck in the next section (see the Resolve section.)
For more information on the error correction employed, see the Error Correction Codes section.
## Resolve
The Resolve process begins with a diffuse set of _Card Codes_ that contains many duplicate entries, invalid entries (codes that do not match a Card Code) and incorrect (out of order) entries. This set must be resolved to an ordered list of cards in the deck.
Resolving this diffuse set of Card Codes into a proper ordered list of Card Codes that represent the deck is a two-step process that makes use of pair of logical set reductions:
* Genocide Rule - Assigns weights to clusters of Card Codes, then removes all but the largest cluster for each Card Code.
* Revenge Rule - Collapses clusters of Card Codes into a single Card Code.
The resulting ordered list of Card Codes represents the final _Deck_. This Deck is added to a _History Cache_ which stores recently decoded decks. This History Cache plays a crucial role in the Analysis phase (see the Analysis section).
The following sections will cover each phase of this process in more detail.
### Genocide Rule
* Code Initial After Genocide
* .---------. .-----------------. .-----------------.
* | | | | | |
* 010111111111 --> Ace ♣ --> Ace ♣
* 010111111111 --> Ace ♣ (weight = 2) --> Ace ♣ (weight = 2)
* 000000001011 --> Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* 000000001011 --> Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* 000000001011 --> Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* 000000001011 --> Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* 000000001011 --> Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* 000000001011 --> Two ♣ (weight = 6) --> Two ♣ (weight = 6)
* 110010001011 --> ? --> ?
* 110011010010 --> Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* 110011010010 --> Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* 110011010010 --> Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* 110011010010 --> Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* 110011010010 --> Four ♦︎(weight = 5) --> Four ♦︎(weight = 5)
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎(weight = 2)
* 111110100000 --> Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* 111110100000 --> Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* 111110100000 --> Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* 111110100000 --> Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* 111110100000 --> Jack ♥︎(weight = 5) --> Jack ♥︎(weight = 5)
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* 111111010010 --> Six ♥︎(weight = 5) --> Six ♥︎(weight = 5)
[A partial visualization of a diffuse set of Card Codes along with their associated playing card representation. Each cluster of cards is given a weight, shown next to the last Card Code in each cluster. Note the two clusters of the Six of Hearts in the Initial column and that the cluster is not present in the After Genocide column.]
The _Genocide Rule_ is a logic rule for eliminating statistically incorrect codes from a diffuse list. It gets its namesake from the way in which it judiciously eliminates clusters of like Card Codes.
The Genocide Rule is stated as follows:
> "The Genocide Rule is intended to seek out any occurrences of errant card clusters (i.e., more than
> one instance of a card cluster in the entire set.) The two card clusters are challenged and if a winner is
> chosen, the losing cluster is removed from the deck."
The _challenge_ referred to in the quote above refers to a heuristic that is run against the competing card clusters.
In the example above notice the two clusters of the Six of Hearts. The first cluster has a weight of 2 (only two consecutive occurrences of the card) while the second cluster has a weight of 5. Assuming the heuristic for the Genocide Rule chooses the second (larger) cluster as the winner, then the losing (first) cluster is removed from the list. If there were more clusters scattered throughout the set of Card Codes, then those would also be added to the challenge.
Note that it is possible that the challenge may not pick a winner. In this case the cluster remains duplicated. The Analyze phase (see the Analyze section) can often resolve these conflicts.
### Revenge Rule
* Initial After Genocide After Revenge
* .-----------------. .-----------------. .-----------------.
* | | | | | |
* Ace ♣ --> Ace ♣
* Ace ♣ (weight = 2) --> Ace ♣ (weight = 2) --> Ace ♣ (weight = 2)
* Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* Two ♣ --> Two ♣
* Two ♣ (weight = 6) --> Two ♣ (weight = 6) --> Two ♣ (weight = 6)
* ? --> ?
* Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* Four ♦︎ --> Four ♦︎
* Four ♦︎(weight = 5) --> Four ♦︎(weight = 5) --> Four ♦︎(weight = 5)
* Six ♥︎
* Six ♥︎(weight = 2)
* Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* Jack ♥︎ --> Jack ♥︎
* Jack ♥︎(weight = 5) --> Jack ♥︎(weight = 5) --> Jack ♥︎(weight = 5)
* Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* Six ♥︎ --> Six ♥︎
* Six ♥︎(weight = 5) --> Six ♥︎(weight = 5) --> Six ♥︎(weight = 5)
[A partial visualization of a process of diffuse set reduction starting with the Initial set and passing through the Genocide and Revenge rules. Notice compaction of the clusters into weighted Cards in the After Revenge column.]
The _Revenge Rule_ is a logic rule for reducing clusters of neighboring codes from a diffuse list. It gets its namesake from the way in which it follows the Genocide rule and eliminates all but a single weighted card from each cluster.
The Revenge Rule is stated as follows:
> "The Revenge rule is intended to locate all duplicates and remove the neighbors. It is possible for duplicates to remain
> in the set following a revenge."
!!! Note: A Note From The Author About The Revenge Rule
In early development the Revenge Rule was far more complex than what it is today (little more than simple set reduction of consecutive codes.) But the name was catchy and so it stuck.
Note that unresolved conflicts -- duplicate entries -- from the Genocide Rule will remain present, though reduced to a single entry, after the Revenge Rule has processed the set. It is expected that the the Analyze phase (see the Analyze section) can often resolve these conflicts.
The final set of Cards Codes is collected into a simple array and inserted into the History Cache.
### History Cache Insert
The _History Cache_ stores the recent history of scan results (ordered set of Card Codes.) One cache entry contains two key pieces of information:
1. A unique set of ordered Card Codes (the output from the Revenge Rule)
2. An array of timestamps that represent when that particular ordered set was inserted
Upon inserting an ordered set of Card Codes into the History Cache, the cache is first searched to see if a duplicate set already exists. If so, the current timestamp is added to the existing cache entry. Otherwise, a new cache entry is added with the current timestamp.
In addition to this, each time a cache entry is added the cache is pruned of all expired entries.
!!! Note: A Note About The History Cache Lifetime
The lifetime of entries in the History Cache is generally quite short, on the order of only a few seconds.
It is important that the cache lifetime is shorter than the time it would take to modify the deck and rescan it. The reason for this will be made clear in the following Analyze section, but the short of it is that the entries in the History Cache are merged into a single, confident result.
If the History Cache expiration were too long, there is risk that the deck could be modified (for example, a card removed) and that resulting deck's scan competing with old cache entries which did not contain the missing card. In this case, it's quite possible that the Analysis phase could re-insert the missing card based on old cache entries.
The resulting History Cache is then sent to the Analyze phase for statistical analysis.
## Analyze
Scanning binary codes from the edges of cards that are ~0.3MM thick, under the low-light conditions of narrow-band IR imaging, worn or aged cards, and decks held in the hand of a performer, can present quite a challenge to the scanning process. Even under these conditions the scanning results are _generally_ reliable but they are not _always_ reliable.
The goal of the Analyze phase is to combine the results from scans that are _mostly_ correct with scans that _may actually be_ correct to produce a single, confident result.
The Analyze process begins by merging the scan results from all recent entries in the History Cache into a single _super result_. This process can correct errant errors in some results based on statistical analysis across the entire History Cache. From this process, a single scan result is produced.
A confidence factor is then calculated and the result is released (see the Result section.)
The following sections will cover each phase of this process in more detail.
### History Cache Merge
The _History Cache Merge_ process uses the information from all entries in the _History Cache_ to generate a single, confident result.
Consider a simplified ordered set containing only 10 values, each alphabetically labeled from A to J. This ordered set could be linked in the following way (using ○ to represent the head of the list and ● to represent the tail):
* ○ -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H -> I -> J -> ●
Next, consider the following set of linked results:
* Entry #1: ○ -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H -> I -> J -> ●
* Entry #2: ○ -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H -> I -> J -> ●
* Entry #3: ○ -> A -> B -> C -> D -> F -> G -> H -> I -> J -> ●
* Entry #4: ○ -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H -> I -> J -> ●
* Entry #5: ○ -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H -> I -> J -> ●
To the casual observer it appears that the missing _E_ from Entry #3 was simply missed during the scanning process. The incorrect entry could be discarded. However, this would reduce the overall confidence of the final result because Entry #3 agrees with the other results that, for example, I follows H in the links. As an alternative, given enough evidence provided by the other entries, Entry #3 could be patched to include the missing link to _E_. After all, all of the other entries agree that _E_ falls between _D_ and _F_. This alternative allows us to maintain a higher level of confidence in the final result.
This simple example can be extended to far more complex scenarios. Consider a History Cache of 32 entries, all of which disagree not only on the presence of values in each scan but their order as well. When presented with this scenario, it can be difficult for even the experienced observer to discern the correct result. For complex scenarios like this, a different way to represent the data is needed.
* ○ -> B:8, A:24 *
* A -> B:24 *
* B -> C:26, H:1, D:2 *
* C -> D:30 *
* D -> E:28, F:2 *
* E -> F:29 *
* F -> G:32 *
* G -> H:31 *
* H -> I:32 *
* I -> J:31, C:1 *
* J -> ●:29, C:2, E:1 *
Take a moment to study the example above. Each line in this table represents the linkages for a single entry. The first line can be read as "_The head links to B in 8 results and links to A in 24 results._" The next line could be read as "_A links to B in 24 results_." These _Link Counts_ play an important role not only in the History Cache Merge phase, but also in the _Confidence Factor_ calculation (see the Confidence Factor Calculation section.)
In the example above, it's clear that there is some confusion as to what the correct result should be. The goal of the History Cache Merge process is to resolve as many of these ambiguities as possible.
All results agree that _F_ links to _G_, but they disagree on what value links to _F_ (is it _D_ or _E_?) Looking closer, it seems obvious that the correct answer is that _E_ links to _F_ given that this was the case in 29 of the results, while only two results found that _D_ linked to _F_. Given the evidence, the links between _D_ and _F_ should be removed. In addition, the removed Link Count should then be attributed to the correct link between _E_ and _F_, increasing that value by 2 (from 29 to 31.)
The same logic can be applied to many of the other entries. Here's the same example with the errors removed and the Link Counts adjusted accordingly:
* ○ -> A:32 *
* A -> B:24 *
* B -> C:30 *
* C -> D:32 *
* D -> E:28 *
* E -> F:31 *
* F -> G:32 *
* G -> H:32 *
* H -> I:32 *
* I -> J:31 *
* J -> ●:29 *
This small amount of patching was able to produce the correct result from a non-trivial case.
There is an additional pass that interrogates the set for missing cards and if a missing card appears anywhere in the history, it is attempted to be inserted into the result set at the appropriate location. This is especially important for top or bottom cards in the deck as they sometimes tend to flare away from the rest of the stack and avoid detection.
There are scenarios where the process simply cannot converge on a single merged history with confidence. In these cases, the Analysis is aborted and a result of _Inconclusive_ is returned.
!!! Note: A Note About Very Complex Scenarios
Not presented in this text are even more complex scenarios, such as cyclic ambiguities. In these scenarios, a patch in one result can open the door to allow other, previously unavailable patches to take place.
### Confidence Factor Calculation
The _Confidence Factor_ for a result provides a simple percentage on a linear scale that represents the likelihood of any particular result being correct.
The global _Configuration Parameters_ for the system (see the Input Configuration section) provides a threshold for high confidence results. Any result that meets or exceeds this threshold is considered a high confidence result. In addition, there is a Configuration Parameter to enable low confidence results. If low confidence reports are not enabled or the result does not meet the minimum confidence threshold, the scanning process is aborted.
The calculation of a Confidence Factor is simple and straight forward. In the History Cache Merge section, the concept of _Link Counts_ was introduced. These Link Counts play an important role in the confidence factor calculation. Let's review the final example from that section:
* ○ -> A:32 *
* A -> B:24 *
* B -> C:30 *
* C -> D:32 *
* D -> E:28 *
* E -> F:31 *
* F -> G:32 *
* G -> H:32 *
* H -> I:32 *
* I -> J:31 *
* J -> ●:29 *
The _Confidence Calculation_ is simply the average of all Link Counts taken as a percentage of the total number of entries in the History Cache. For the example above, this average would be **30.27**
\frac{32 + 24 + 30 + 32 + 28 + 31 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 31 + 29}{11} = 30.27
As a reminder, the total number of History Cache entries from this example was 32. Therefore, the Confidence Factor for this result would be:
\frac{30.27}{32} \times 100 = 94.59%
## Report Result
At the end of the scanning process a result is generated that will take one of the following forms:
> **Failed**
> The scan failed, either due to a failed search or failed decode.
> In addition, the result may include either a search or a decoding failure.
> A failed search could take the form of:
> - _Not Found_: The deck was not found in frame
> - _Too Small_: The deck was determined to be too small in frame for reliable scanning
> A failed decode could take the form of:
> - _Not Sharp_: Scanning was aborted because the Readability Check failed (see the Readability Check section.)
> - _Too Few Cards_: Scanning was aborted because the decoded set of cards did not meet the minimum requirement
> - _General Failure_: This is the catch-all for other decoding failures
> **Inconclusive**
> A deck was scanned but the analysis determined that the result was
> inconclusive. In this case, a deck is returned but the client should
> not present this as a valid result.
> **Insufficient History**
> A deck was scanned but there wasn't enough history to determine confidence.
> In this case, a deck is returned but the client should not present this as
> a valid result.
> **Insufficient Confidence**
> A deck was scanned but the Confidence Factor was below the minimum
> requirement. In this case, a deck is returned but the client should not
> present this as a valid result. The Confidence Factor is also included
> in the result.
> **Success (low confidence)**
> A deck was scanned and meets the minimum Confidence Factor requirement.
> In this case, if low confidence results are enabled, a deck is returned
> along with the Confidence Factor.
> **Success (high confidence)**
> A deck was scanned and meets or exceeds the high Confidence Factor. In
> this case, a deck is returned along with the Confidence Factor.
The final result is reported via the server interface to all connected clients.

# Deck Definitions
_Deck Definitions_ are loaded from the **decks.json** file and provide the specifications for each printed code.
The following sections provide more detail on the Deck Definition and its uses.
## The Fields of a Deck Definition
The following JSON fields are used to define a Deck Definition in its entirety:
(###) **id** integer
A unique identifier assigned to this Deck Definition. This value is sent along with a result to each connected client, which may key off of the ID for specific functionality. This should be a 32-bit unsigned integer.
(###) **ignored** Boolean, default = false
If true, this format is ignored for runtime use. This value has no effect for off-line tools, such as CardBars, which work on Deck Definitions.
(###) **name** String
The official name for the Deck Definition.
(###) **description** String
The description for the Deck Definition.
(###) **type** String
One of:
* **normal**: A standard, mono-directional code
* **palindrome**: A bi-directional code that reads the same in both directions
* **reversible**: A bi-directional code that reads differently in each direction
For more information, see the Reversible & Palindrome Codes section.
(###) **invertLuma** Boolean, default = false
If true, the deck uses inverted luma. This should only be used for decks marked with inks that fluoresce (such as UV reactive inks) and not for inks that absorb light (such as visible inks or IR absorbing inks.)
(###) **physicalLengthMM** Floating point
The length of the longest edge of a card, in millimeters.
(###) **physicalWidthMM** Floating point
The length of the shortest edge of a card, in millimeters.
(###) **printableMaxWidthMM** Floating point
The maximum width of the printed code. If a code is intended to be printed on all sides of a deck, this value should represent the widest code that will fit on all four sides. Note that this should take into account that codes cannot be marked all the way to the ends of a card given that most cards have rounded edges. This value is used by the off-line tool CardBars to verify the marks do not exceed the maximum printable region of the card.
(###) **physicalStackHeight52CardsMM** Floating point
The physical height (in millimeters) for a full stack of 52 cards. If the Deck Definition includes more or fewer cards, it uses this value to calculate the stack height based on the number of cards in the definition.
(###) **physicalCompressedStackHeight52CardsMM** Floating point
The physical height (in millimeters) for a full stack of 52 cards that have been compressed. Similar to _physicalStackHeight52CardsMM_, this value represents the height of the stack under compression. This value was originally intended for marking tools that marked the full stack at once (such as from a modified printer) where the stack is held in place in a holder that compresses the deck tightly together.
(###) **minCardCount** Integer
The minimum number of cards required for decoding a deck. If the number of cards does not meet this minimum value, the deck will fail to decode with the designation _Too Few Cards_ (see the Report Result section.) Note that this value also used to determine the minimum height of a deck in the image being scanned.
(###) **cardCodesNdo** Array of integers
An array of integer values that represent the codes printed on the edges of cards. The order of the codes in this array defines the deck's New Deck Order (NDO.) This array is usually output from _mdscodes_. See the Generating Codes with mdscodes section for more information on generating these codes.
This array must contain at least as many codes as **faceCodesNdo**. Any additional Card Codes will be ignored.
(###) **faceCodesNdo** Array of strings
The _Face Codes_ for each card in the deck, in New Deck Order (NDO.) The length of this array must match the length of **faceCodesTestDeckOrder**.
Face Codes can take whatever form the client wishes. Current clients have adopted the standard of following two-character Face Codes for decks of standard Poker decks:
* Value Suit *
*------------ --------------- *
* A - Ace H - Hearts *
* 2 - Two C - Clubs *
* 3 - Three D - Diamonds *
* 4 - Four S - Spades *
* 5 - Five *
* 6 - Six *
* 7 - Seven *
* 8 - Eight *
* 9 - Nine *
* T - Ten *
* J - Jack *
* Q - Queen *
* K - King *
[The components of the two-character codes for poker decks. They are combined such as **AS** (Ace of Spades), **7D** (Seven of Diamonds), **TH** (Ten of Hearts), etc.]
In addition to the standard 52 cards, Poker decks are often packaged with two Jokers and two ad cards. These can be included using the following Face Codes:
* **X1** (Black & White Guarantee Joker)
* **X2** (Color Joker)
* **Z1** (2-sided Ad Card)
* **Z2** (1-sided Ad Card)
(###) **faceCodesTestDeckOrder** Array of strings
The _Face Codes_ for each card in the deck, in Test Deck Order.
The length of this array must match the length of the codes in **faceCodesNdo**. This is intended for testing to allow the software to recognize correct scanning results from test videos. If the deck in a test video is in New Deck Order (NDO) then this array should mirror **faceCodesNdo**.
(###) **marks** Array of Mark Definitions
_Mark Definitions_ define how each card is marked, including the Landmark placement, Bit Mark placement, and Spaces. Each _Mark Definition_ is an object consisting of:
- **widthMM** (Floating point) - The width of the printed mark (or non-printed space.)
- **type** (String) - The type of the mark, which must be one of:
- _Landmark_: A portion of the code marked on all cards.
- _Space_: A non-printed space.
- _Bit_: A Bit Mark printed on the edge of the card, unique per card. It is important that the number of _Bit_ marks match the number of bits in the codes listed in **cardCodesNdo**.
## Deck Definitions Requirements and Guidelines
Creating a valid Deck Definition requires care. It is recommended to start with an existing Deck Definition and only modify as needed. If a new Deck Definition must be created from scratch, the following guidelines may be helpful:
A code's physical printed width is the sum of all **widthMM** values of all Mark Definitions. This sum must be less than or equal to **printableMaxWidthMM**.
Each _Bit_ in the **marks** array represents a bit position in the codes printed on the edge of a card. If the **cardCodesNdo** defines an array of 14-bit values, then there must be exactly 14 _Bit Marks_ in the Deck Definition.
It is strongly recommended that innermost landmarks are the widest. This allows the landmark tracing process (see the Landmark Trace section) the ability to follow the contours of the deck's stack. A rule of thumb is that the deck's irregular stacking can deviate only as much as half of the inner landmark width.
Deck Definitions that are **reversible** or **palindrome** must use **marks** in the Deck Definition that are also reversible. That is, the landmarks, spaces and bits are arranged such that the printed code is palindromic. This allows marks on cards that are face-up in the deck to line up with their inverted neighbors. **Reversible** and **Palindrome** codes also require that the printed marks be perfectly centered on the deck. Codes that do not meet this requirement will be skipped with an error in the logs. Similarly, Deck Definitions that are **normal** (and not **reversible** or **palindrome**) must not use **marks** that are palindromic as this can prevent the deck from being scanned in the correct orientation. If either of these two requirements is not met, an error will be logged and the Deck Definition will be ignored.
The software includes various validations on Deck Definitions to ensure best use. Watch for hints or warnings in the log output from CardBars.
## An Example Deck Definition